D2L—zoom (snow day)
Standard instructions for all homeworks:
- Your name,
the assignment-number,
the URL of this assignment-page
must be in a comment at/near the start of the file.
- Any code which results in syntax errors
will generally not earn more than 50%
of the points-possible.
For grading, I will ignore any commented-out code (including commented-out tests).
- Hardcopy must be stapled (if hardcopy required), if more than one sheet.
- Your code must be clear:
- On returned homework,
see grading-guide-key.html
for any greek-letter codes (e.g. ι (iota) for “indentation”)
and proofreader marks.
(Or, look at it pre-emptively,
for common ways of losing points on programs!)
D2L—zoom (snow day)
This page licensed CC-BY 4.0 Ian Barland Page last generated | Please mail any suggestions (incl. typos, broken links) to ibarlandradford.edu |