ITEC 325 - PHP (PHP Third Edition by Ullman)
Chapter 2 Lecture Notes
Based on notes by Jack Davis (
- PHP Variables
- PHP is a dynamically typed language, so variables don't have to be declared.
The type of the variable is determined by its usage in code.
- Variable Types - boolean, integer, float, string, array, object,
resource, NULL
- Variable Syntax
- All variable names must be preceded by a dollar sign ($).
- Following the dollar sign, the variable name must begin with either a
letter (A-Z, a-z) or an underscore (_). It can't begin with a number.
- The rest of the variable name can contain any combination of letters,
underscores, and numbers.
- May not have spaces within the name of a variable.
- Variable names are case sensitive.
- By convention, almost all php programmers use lower case
variable names, reserving uppercase names for files, resources,
and constants.
- Numbers
- floats (actually doubles) and integers
- valid number literals,
12.2, 44, -1, -1.2
- use:
$count = 22; $ctr = 13.3; ...
- Strings
- A string is any number of characters enclosed within a pair of either
single (') or double (") quotation marks. Strings can contain
any combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.
strings can also contain variables. Extrapolation (only) occurs within
double quoted strings.
- String examples:
$str = "How are you?";
$first_name = "John";
$str = "How are you $first_name?";
$date = "1/01/2010";
$str2 = "I said, \"how are you?\"";
- Simple example
- Arrays
- index array
$arr = array("john","mary","zimbo");
$arr[] = "betty";
associative array
$crsarr = array("web"=>325, "java1"=>120);
$crsarr["discretemath"] = 122;
- Constants
define ("pi", 3.1415926535);
The name of the constant is always quoted, but the value you assign
to the constant is only quoted if it is a string literal. When you use
a constant name in code you don't precede it with a $.
define ("PI",3.14152926535);
echo "The constant PI holds ", PI, ";<br />"; ?>
- PHP Predefined Variables ($_SERVER array)
A note on
implicit boolean conversions.