-- A script for creating two tables for itec325 hw05 -- https://php.radford.edu/~itec325/2012fall-ibarland/Homeworks/hw05/hw05.html -- You may need to tweak this file, if you want different column widths or names. -- Works in both Oracle SQL and MySQL (php.radford.edu >... phpMyAdmin >... 'SQL' tab). drop table Questions; create table Questions( qid int ,author varchar(50) ,question varchar(200) ,answer varchar(200) ,hint varchar(200) ,weight int -- should really have a check-constratint ,difficulty varchar(10) -- should really be a FK into a known-abilities table. -- category: See the Categories table, to associate multiple categories with this question. ,subcategory varchar(20) -- should really be a FK into a known-abilities table. Might be null, for non-science. ); create table Categories( qid int ,category varchar(20) -- should really be a FK into a known-abilities table. ) insert into Questions(qid,question,answer,hint,weight,difficulty) values(42,'ibarley','Istanbul was _______ (which, in turn, was Byzantium).','Constantinople','http://youtube.com/watch?v=x0X77OBJUg',100,'medium'); insert into Categories(qid,category) values(42,'history'); insert into Categories(qid,category) values(42,'geography'); insert into Categories(qid,category) values(42,'entertainment');