Sessions: When a person visits ANY of your pages, you magically have an array (named $_SESSION) which contains whatever you'd saved in it, last time THAT PARITICULAR USER visited any page on your site. (Every different repeat-user has different $_SESSION contents.) How to invoke such magic? Just call `session_start` to start (or, resume) a session. That's all! How does it work? There is one cookie -- think "customerID" -- from the user; when you call `session_start` it looks at the customerID and finds an associated file-on-disk, and loads that file's info into the array $_SESSION. If you write into that array, php (when you finish the program) will automatically update that-session's-file with the new info. Practical Issue: SESSION array can work great, esp. for things like a shopping-cart's contents. BUT they're not always the best way to remember info -- esp. if multiple tabs could confuse the issue. Consider: (Think airline searches, and showing a single 'purchase' link on the result.) If the info depends on which "tab" the user is in -- then beware on SESSION contains the most-recent-info, but user might be wanting info from a differnt tag and want to use the second-most-recent-info. In that case: A solution for this could be 'hidden' input tags: Your flight#1197 would leave on Tues and cost $45.