One-time ("Self-destructing") downloads (more precisely: downloads that can only be claimed by one person): E.g. I have a large video I want to let my dad download, and then I want to have it delete. Or, I ordered have a pdf of a file to give away to the first student who gets some extra-credit. A site where you can place a file and email somebody else a download key. Then, after one download, the file is deleted (and acknowledgement emails are sent). - Never re-use URLs, of course. - Can(must?) specify a time-window. - let a user just give their email, to see all their pending downloads [the system would have to send a confirmation-key to that email first, for verification] - The provider can see what files are still-unclaimed, and (perhaps) the history of when other files were claimed, and by whom. - optional: allow sending *several* URLs (to different people), but only keep one underlying copy of the file - Allow limited re-downloads (with separate key [like prev. point]), or some users have separate number of re-tries. - allow for "view" URLs separate from "download" URLs - allow for easy-to-remember URLs that are still randomish -- perhaps three fairly-common nouns like "kiwi telescope sycamore" (allow them entered in any order). That way, I can just tell somebody in the hallway, and they might be able to remember. (Perhaps if they remember any three out of four, it allows the download.) - allow a re-try if it doesn't succeed. - [Some javascript that can check/confirm whether the download succeeded? -- on-completion, it finds the download-dir name, and checks the hashcode] Contact: ibarland