0) { echo "ERROR: quest too long (max $maxLenQuest chars; you have $excess too many.)\n"; } $maxLenColor = 15; $excess = strlen($_POST['favorite-color'])-$maxLenColor; if ($excess > 0) { echo "ERROR: favorite-color too long (max $maxLenColor chars; you have $excess too many.)\n"; } if (preg_match("/\\p{Z}/", $_POST['favorite-color'])) { echo "favorite-color cannot contain spaces."; } if (array_key_exists('is-happy',$_POST) && $_POST['is-happy']!=="yep") { echo "INTRUDER! INTRUDER! GET AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!"; } $maxLenMsg = 1000; $excess = strlen($_POST['msg'])-$maxLenMsg; if ($excess > 0) { echo "ERROR: msg too long (max $maxLenMsg chars; you have $excess too many.)\n"; } ?>

It must be tough, to seek . Oh hey, what a coincidence; I love too.

I got the message, and the message is clear:

'> think you are happy.", "\n"; } else { echo " It is odd that you are happy, and you don't even know it.", "\n"; } ?>

The key/value pairs received by the form-handler

The array _POST =

Source Code