The 2020 Delegation of APHG teachers will depart for South Korea on June 24 on the trans-Pacific flight in the afternoon or evening for a late afternoon or evening arrival on June 25 in Seoul-Inchon International Airport. The return departure to the U.S. will be on July 2 or earlier. We are working on funding for a field study extension, but a lack of funding will move the departure closer to June 30. The dates will be confirmed prior to ticketing. It is possible to arrive early or remain in South Korea longer at the delegate’s own expense. Airfare, hotel, most meals, and most local transportation is provided by the South Korean hosts during the program of activities. APHG teachers are given priority to participate in the U.S. Delegation. Other high school geography teachers may also apply. The program is designed to provide an international experience that will expand your world view, and especially your knowledge of the Korean Peninsula. If you are an APHG teacher and interested, please contact Joseph Stoltman ( to receive an application.