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ITEC 325

breeze (snow day)

Client side validation, sticky forms

Due: 2011.Oct.17 (Mon) 19 (Wed) 23:59.

We will further improve on hw03—Server side validation's .W.o.W. page by adding client-side validation, and making the form a sticky form.

Make your page look neat and professional! You are encouraged to make your javascript code as similar as possible as the php-validation code, including wrapper functions to abstract away the differences.

Other requirements

These apply to all homeworks for this class:

1 True, if they came from the form and we had client-side error checking on, then theoretically there could be no errors server-side. However, we'll deal later with some validation that might only happen server-side, such as looking up login info in a database. In these cases, it's important that the form be sticky.      

2You disable an DOM input field by setting its attribute disabled to "disabled"; you enable it by having its disabled attribute be false or "" (or, having that attribute entirely non-existent).      

3 Usually, radio-buttons are used for mutually exclusive options, though in this case you'd need three. However, for this hw you are required to use checkboxes that are dynamically disabled, to learn that skill.      

4 If you want to make your function even more general-purpose, you might pass in an additional value indicating whether the drop-down menu has an initial "please choose" or "--" neutral option, and perhaps whether or not the drop-down selection is required with any client-side check auto-coded, cool!      

5 If you want to make your function even more general-purpose, you might have your function return an array of html-for-checkboxes, so that the caller can insert those checkboxes horizontally or in a table or with br tags between them, etc., cool!      

6the function to show-source a file is one of the few exceptions      

breeze (snow day)

©2011, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2011.Oct.17 (Mon)
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