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ITEC 325

breeze (snow day)

processing input; array functions

We've been talking about input forms (html elements), and then php scripts to process a submitted form:

When creating a page which includes something typed in by the user (from a previous text-input), we must be careful! What could the user have typed, that would goof up our web page?

Quick q: suppose a user types:

in a textarea whose name is msg. What is

We have seen arrays, and mentioned that if they have all-numeric indices (keys) then we can process them with a for loop or a while loop, using the same syntax that Java and Javasript happen to use.

Then we saw that if an array has keys which aren't all numeric, we can use a foreach loop to process them:

  $myData = array( 'hi' => 'hallo', 'good day' => 'guten Tag', 'see you later' => 'auf wiedersehen' );

  foreach ($mydata as $german) {
    echo $german, "\n";

  foreach ($mydata as $english => $german) {
    echo "You say '$english', I say '$german'.\n";
The foreach loop is of course one way to process each element of the $_POST array (if you didn't want code specific/different for each input form).

Exercise: Let's write a function which takes in the name of a directory, and returns a string mentioning each file in the directory: something like:

"One file is someFile.txt.<br />Another file is someFile2.txt.<br />Another file is Zzzz.php.<br />"
Hint1: scandir.

Exercise: Write a function that takes in an array of key/values pairs, and returning a string that happens to be html for a pull-down menu of those values.

test( HTMLPulldown( array( "Jan" => "January", "Dec" => "December" ) ),
  <option value='Jan'>January</option>
  <option value='Dec'>December</option>
</select>" );

test( HTMLPulldown( array( "January", "February", "December" ) ),
  <option value='0'>January</option>
  <option value='1'>February</option>
  <option value='2'>December</option>
</select>" );
This is pretty cool. However, looking closely at the generated HTML, there is one thing missing: we want our select node to include a name attribute. What do we need to tweak?

Optional: extend the above by including an optional parameter: a top-option like “please select:”.

Left as an exercise: Similar to above, make a function that takes in an array, and returns (the html for) a bunch of checkboxes, inside table.

1Usually, a google search like “php list files” gives good matches; in this particular case we get sidetracked by related functions that deal with file-handles and are iterators.      

breeze (snow day)

©2011, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2011.Sep.19 (Mon)
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