breeze (snow day)
Exercise: Let's write a function which takes in the name of a directory, and returns a string mentioning each file in the directory: something like:
"One file is someFile.txt.<br />Another file is someFile2.txt.<br />Another file is Zzzz.php.<br />"Hint1:
Exercise: Write a function that takes in an array of key/values pairs, and returning a string that happens to be html for a pull-down menu of those values.
test( HTMLPulldown( array( "Jan" => "January", "Dec" => "December" ) ), "<select <option value='Jan'>January</option> <option value='Dec'>December</option> </select>" ); test( HTMLPulldown( array( "January", "February", "December" ) ), "<select <option value='0'>January</option> <option value='1'>February</option> <option value='2'>December</option> </select>" ); |
Optional: extend the above by including an optional parameter: a top-option like “please select:”.
Left as an exercise: Similar to above, make a function that takes in an array, and returns (the html for) a bunch of checkboxes, inside table.
1Usually, a google search like “php list files” gives good matches; in this particular case we get sidetracked by related functions that deal with file-handles and are iterators. ↩
breeze (snow day)
©2011, Ian Barland, Radford University Last modified 2011.Sep.21 (Wed) |
Please mail any suggestions (incl. typos, broken links) to ibarlandradford.edu |