breeze (snow day)
a videogame encyclopedia
Due: 2011.Apr.29 (Fri) 23:59;
accepted up to May.01 noon
We will work with an XML-encoded database of information
about videogames, hw04-reviews.xml.
- (5pts)
Add one more game to the file.
- (25pts)
Create an XSLT template
which generates a summary-page of each game,
looking similar to hw04-reviews-goal.html
(you are encouraged to view-source).
Dates (years,months,and day) should be padded with leading zeroes.
You don't need to actually have a page with the full reviews,
but your
review-summary-score should be a link
to a page whose URL is
(Use translate to convert characters that shouldn't be in
a URL into safe characters (perhaps all underscores).)
Note that if there is no language tag (as with Super Mario Galaxy),
you won't list that catagory at all in the html.
Hint: remember the count function.
2pts extra-credit for listing the platforms (etc.) without
a trailing comma, and including the word “and” before the last item,
as done in class.
2pts extra-credit for not having an “s” at the end
of “Platforms:” (and, “Languages:”)
when there is only one thing in the list.
- (Extra credit 10pts)
Include the meta-critic score for each game:
the average of all the
(That is, if one review rated a game 8 out of 10,
and another gave it 90 out of 100,
the meta-critic score would be 85%.)
Note that unfortunately, sum only allows
node-sets as its arguments, not functions applied to nodesets.1
In order to calculate the meta-critic score,
you'll have to set up a loop, and [read about how to] update a variable
each time through the loop.
- (10pts)
Have your list sorted by
release-year, in reverse order (most recent first).
(To test that this is working,
have the game which you entered be in a different order than the output.)
(If you want, you can use nested xsl:sort tags to
sort by year-month-day2.
Arrange the games in the source-file to make sure this sorting work.)
- (10pts)
Include at least one apply-template instruction.
(A separate template for formatting dates seems a good candidate for
a nice, re-usable template.)
- (15pts)
Generate a DTD for the grammar
(You can have the DTD either in-line in your xml file, or as an external file.)
Validate the file, using the validator such as the one at
If you include the DTD in-line,
enclose all your
information inside a single, enclosing
<!DOCTYPE games [ … ]>:
<?xml … ?>
<!DOCTYPE games [
<!ELEMENT games (game*)>
<!ELEMENT game …>
<!ATTLIST title
lang …>
(Extra-credit, 5pts)
Define entities3 &ps3;,
&wii2;, etc.
Please have your page
(a) at https://php.radford.edu/~yourUserId/itec325/hw04.xml,
with your other file(s) named hw04.xsl
and (if in a separate file) hw04.dtd;
(b) those same files submitted on WebCT.
Work incrementally.
Make sure your xml and xsl files are publically readable.
Getting no output at all?
Make sure your xsl tags are all properly closed.
When using an xsl:attribute tag,
don't include any extra whitespace in the body;
this gets turned into whitespace in the attribute which is presumably
not what you want.
Sigh. Someday these newfangled languages will catch up with Lisp's map
2This is actually following a standard CS trick:
If you first sort by month and then by year,
you'll get what you want as long as the sorting algorithm
— it leaves tied elements in the same relative order they started in.
It makes sense: after the first sort on months,
all the Januaries come before all the Februaries.
When you now sort by year, and two games are tied for year,
the January one will stay ahead of the February one, in a stable sort.)
3Okay okay,
if you get technical, the “&” and
“;” aren't part of the entity.
Still, you know what I mean. ↩
breeze (snow day)