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ITEC 325

breeze (snow day)

Project Ideas

For this course, teams of four students will design a web application.

You can also suggest your own projects instead of the above. However, they must include the following features:

Checkpoints include: [SUBJECT TO REVISION]

  1. Submit a proposal: Mar.21 (Mon)23 (Wed) in class, and on WebCT. You aren't locked in by this proposal; it is intended to make sure you have thought through what you need to do, and that the entire group understands exactly what functions will be implemented.
  2. Prototype, with a class demonstration: (Apr.04)
  3. (Apr.25) Final project, with a class demonstration: Full data validation and database connectivity.
There may be additional progress reports due. We will have some class periods to work on the project, include Mar.16 (Wed).

breeze (snow day)

©2011, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2011.May.01 (Sun)
Please mail any suggestions
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