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ITEC 325

breeze (snow day)


Originally based on XML Visual Quickstart Guide by Kevin Howard Goldberg, and notes therefrom by Jack Davis (

In the last chapter XSL templates were described and examined. When you apply a template, you use an expression to specify the node set that should be processed. You write both patterns and expressions using XML Path Language (XPath) syntax.

XPath is a language for selecting nodes and node sets by specifying their location paths in the XML document. This chapter will describe how to specify XPath location paths in detail. XPath can be used in XSLT instructions to further process given node sets to return values instead of nodes. XPath has built-in functions to do math, process strings, and test conditions in an XML document. The next chapter, XPath Functions, will describe these functions.

breeze (snow day)

©2011, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2011.Apr.13 (Wed)
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