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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

itec325 project feedback


Team Number                    Your role/responsibility                                                                                                     

Evaluation of other teams

Go to the other teams's websites, and actually try out each of their products. Leave feedback/thoughts/impressions on D2L, for each of those teams. Your feedback can include encouragement, constructive criticism, any bug-reports noticed while trying the site, and/or a wish-list of future features you'd like to see.
Your comments will not affect the grade of the other teams, but part of your grade is based on giving some thought-out feedback.

Note that you are allowed to try to enter “bad” inputs — either into the form, or POST/GET requests. However, do not attempt to inject SQL which alters (much less drops) any tables; you certainly can try to enter information which yields error messages, ill-formatted HTML pages, or even “bad” rows being stored in the table. Likewise, do not use tools/attacks that do more than make POST/GET requests. Keep in mind, other students may be trying such values on your forms — use htmlspecialchars, mysql_real_escape_string, and stripslashes (with get_magic_quotes_gpc()) as appropriate.

Imagine that you have six dear relatives, each starting a business in our class's project areas (what a coincidence!). For a gift, you will invest in each of the other teams' products. Make your judgement based on the product as presented and as you have tried it on-line, plus (say) 10hrs of touch-up work.

Fortunately you just won $12,000 in the lottery2, and you'll allocate that among your six investments. (One possible allocation: $3000 to three teams, and $1000 to the other three.) (Don't enter any an amount next to your own project — you've already invested enough in your own project!)

Any other particular comments? (This is in addition to the feedback you've left on the D2L discussion forum.)

Evaluation of your team

Consider your teammates in light of the following categories:

Please rate your teammates on a scale of 1-9 (5 = okay/good/expected; 9 = outstanding)

Reflection on your project

What was your favorite part of your team's project?
(Is there a feature, idea, or bit of code that you are particularly proud of, personally?)

What would you do differently, if you had it to do over?

What tips/suggestions would you give next year's project teams?

2 Unless, of course, you want to make a donation to the state school system (at 50% efficiency).      

1Don't play the lottery.2      

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2012, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2012.Apr.27 (Fri)
Please mail any suggestions
(incl. typos, broken links)
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