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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

html input forms, and php
chapter 3

From PHP Visual Quickstart Guide by Larry Ullman
Originally based on notes by Jack Davis (


You must both (i) tell php whether to display errors, and (ii) what level of errors to display (notices, warnings, errors, etc.).

Note that telling php to display errors by calling a function at the start of your program (ini_set) is not ideal — if your file has a syntax error, it won't even start executing, so the command to display errors will never get reached! (This approach is still helpful for run-time errors though.)

1 Note that everything the HTML designers bundled together under the input tag do have one thing in common: it's not allowed to have a body. I can see wanting to syntactically name which tags are forbidden a body and which allow one, but that still doesn't explain why each input-type isn't its own tag, which would then make all input tags treated equally.      

2 Perhaps because “PHP is run in CGI mode, not as an Apache module”, as suggested by php-value.      

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2012, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2012.May.31 (Thu)
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