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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

times and dates

File timestamps

When looking at files, it can be nice to include their most recent modification time.

Before calling filemtime (which takes in a file-name, and returns a date):

  ; Either:

  echo strtotime('2012-Feb-08 11:03:27');   // don't use '2012.Feb.08 ...'; it returns null.
  echo date('Y-M-d H:m:s',234234234);

Date representaiton

How are dates stored internally? Try Excel: put dates in A1, A2 (using the `date` function). Note formatting is just the `toString` on top of the underlying date-object.

Try: =A1+3 =A1-A2 =max(A1,A2) That's Cool! This is not: =A1+A2 =A1*7 So, how are dates stored internally? Try formatting the value differently. So, What is the start of the epoch? Try entering 0, and then format it!

Note that time-zone is *only* needed for `toString`, and for parsing -- alternately: for how we speak and read dates when too lazy to include the time-zone. It becomes confusing since we rely on external state (our geographic location). If this location isn't clear (e.g., where *is* the server that is serving this page?), then we have problems. But The time-since-epoch itself is unambiguous. [um, mostly] What about daylight savings time? It's not that *time* jumps ahead from 01:00 to 02:00 and that 01:30 doesn't exist that day; it's that 01:00 we all decide to switch from writing/reading one time-zone and use another; if people are lazy and not including the time-zone then it becomes confusing. Really, "01:30 EDT" and "01:30 EST" are both valid times, and EDT *exists* all year round; it's just that folk around here don't use it for 6mos at a time (and, folk around here *never* speak in PST, even though that time-zone always exists too). ...You change most time-zones by travelling geographically, "through space". You change daylight-savings-time-zones by travelling through time.

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2014, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2014.Sep.18 (Thu)
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