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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

chapter 9

From PHP Visual Quickstart Guide by Larry Ullman
Originally based on notes by Jack Davis (

Summary: Cookies.

As larger more complex web sites are being built the limitation of http as a stateless protocol becomes a problem. Web developers have no built in (html) method of remembering data from one page of an application to the next. This is a serious short-coming, e-commerce systems, user registration and login systems, and other online services rely on this functionality. Fortunately, maintaining state from one page to another is fairly simple using PHP.

Third party cookies

Remember, (hosted) images are often stored on a different server than the page's "text" data. Cookies can be set when retrieving images!

This doesn't seem too bad — as written, doesn't actually know who you are, just that the same person viewing the current banner has previously seen certain other banners. But this can be leveraged: If they name their banners “qwerty-for-cia.jpeg” and “qwerty-for-mediawiki.jpeg” and so on, then they can now know, out of all this sites they give banners for, which of those sites you've visited (and when).

Note that separately, just knowing a large chunk of browser history can be suprisingly specific, when you include specific-amazon-products-looked-at, which takeout-restaurant-phone-numbers you're lokoing up, what political-candidate-webpages you're viewing, and what medical-info-pages you look at — from this it is a not-unreasonable-step that one could conceviably narrow down, with decent confidence, somebody's neighborhood, diseases, how they vote, and what their favorite pizza topping is.

BUT, it would require a single company to be hosting banners/ads for lots and lots of different companies, so perhaps this isn't too big a worry? Well, one last thought: huge numbers of websites outsource to google-analytics, to get info about usage. These google-third-party cookies can be combined with the exact google searches you make and your gmail contents, which can give that company a vast trove of highly specific information. It's a good thing they use their power for good only! (… until NSA gives a court-order, or just plain steals the data from wiretaps placed on intercontinental data trunks…).

1Kinda like emails that start with repeating/quoting the entire previous thread.      

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

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Last modified 2014.Oct.31 (Fri)
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