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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

background info

The following questions are for me to get to know each of you a bit better, and understand the class's background.
  1. What is your preferred name (first and last)?                                                             
  2. Which row,column are you sitting in?                  (We'll count off together.)
  3. Which of the following classes have you taken (at RU or elsewhere)?:
  4. T / F : Are you aware that there are already three posts on this class's D2L discussion-board, and that you can get notifications of new posts by email or text?
    1. Name a class of things you like (or, dislike): e.g. cars, bands, books, countries, etc..

    2. Now, name a favorite (or, least-favorite) instance of that class:

  5. Let
    f(n) = 2n+1, and
    g(n) = n².
    For example, f(7) = 2·7+1 = 15, and g(7) = 7² = 49.
    1. What is f(3)?                 
    2. What is f(3)+1?                 
    3. What is f(3+1)?                 
    4. What is f(3)+f(1)?                 
    5. What is g(2)?                 
    6. What is f(g(2))?                 
    7. What is g(f(2))?                 
    8. What is f(g(2)+1)?                 

  6. A unit test for a function must include both the function's                  result for an input, as well as the function's                 .
  7. When writing unit tests for a function with integer arguments, be sure to consider trivial inputs, such as                  and                 .

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2014, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2015.Jan.28 (Wed)
Please mail any suggestions
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