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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

git usage

Due Mar.02 (Mon) 11:00; also see below

  1. Create a account. You can use whatever name you like, but you must make sure that you your bitbucket account is also associated with your RU email (
  2. Locally (on your machine, or on rucs), be sure to configure your name and email, as per lect14-git-on-rucs—git: centralized workflow; in particular git config --global (so that when your local computer makes requests to, it knows whose password it should be asking for).

    Separately, you can also set: git config --global push.default simple. If you don't, it might prompt you to do that later. (This is set to become the default behaviour soon, so setting it yourself might not actually be needed.)

  3. Find an email from bitbucket1 inviting you as a member of the itec325-2015spring-hw04 repository; accept that invitation.
  4. Locally, clone my (public) repository:
    git clone

    I suggest doing this somewhere within your H: drive's dynamic_php/ (mounting your H: drive if on your laptop), so you can view the results via the web. However, that's not required (e.g. if your disc quota is low).

    Alas, the version of git that is currently on rucs is old2; it mostly works, except for cloning repos via https3, which is the one step we need to get started!

    1. The easiest workaround, if you have your own machine w/ administrator privileges, is to download/install git there.
    2. You can clone the repo on rucs using ssh instead of https. However, this requires first generating a public/private key pair; you'll have the private key stored locally (in ~/.ssh/id_dsa), and you'll give a copy of the public key ( > Manage Account > SSH keys > Add). Details can be found here and an alternate method here.

  5. Edit facts.txt, along with some two-facts-and-a-lie about yourself. (Note: this file will be public on my bitbucket account!)
  6. Add a small picture to the project, using git add. (of anything, but it should be polite, and you must have the right to copy it), and update picts.php so that it includes a clickable thumbnail of that page.

    Make sure your picts.php works correctly!

  7. Commit your changes to your local repo, with a short (≤ 1 sentence) message saying what you did. You can use “git commit .”, which will cause an editor to launch for you to write the commit-message in. Alternately, you can run “git status .” (to be sure you recall all the files you changed), followed by “git commit -m "your message" .” to commit all changes to the current directory, “.”.
  8. Push your changes back to the public repository.
  9. Note: in the following week, I'll have each person make a change to the file, and then I'll be asking a D2L question based on your classmates' updated version.

Common mistakes:

(I believe both of these errors stem from running commands from bitbucket's web page, and/or from a gui interface, and the user not realizing that those commands not actually being what this hw asking you to do.)

Part II

For 5pts extra-credit (due 2015.May.07 (Thu) 17:00):
Go back to your entry in facts.txt, and:

You must, of course, push your changes back to the central repo, or else I won't see them!

1Check your spambox. If you can't find it, you can go to your bitbucket account page, and have the invitation re-sent.      

2on rucs, git --version gives, as of 2014-Mar-12; we want a version ≥ 1.8.      

3 The error message in this case is:

Initialized empty Git repository in /itec325-2015spring-hw04/.git/
Cannot get remote repository information.
Perhaps git-update-server-info needs to be run there?

4 And to sustain the confusion: you might see a classmate's old work in your parallel bitbucket copy of the repo, just because it was already present at the moment you made your initial clone.      

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2015, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2015.May.04 (Mon)
Please mail any suggestions
(incl. typos, broken links)
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