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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

Client side validation

Due: 2015.Apr.03 (Fri.)Apr.06 (Mon.) 11:00.

We will further improve on hw05—Server-side validation's TriviaQuack page by adding client-side validation. Make a copy of your directory from hw05, named hw06/. (cp -pR hw05/ hw06 will Recursively copy directories, preserving timestamps.) I will grade your hw in the usual way, by visiting, which should have a listing of your files and (after the due-date) their source.

  1. To report client-side verification errors: If you have a field (say, “passwd”), then you will use that same name in several ways:

    1. passwd” will be the name attribute used in your HTML input tag (and hence the name of the value in the $_POST array);
    2. it will also be the id of the input tag, in the DOM;
    3. There will (optionally) be a paragraph with the id “passwd-err” — this will be where client-side validation error messages will be dynamically inserted into the DOM.

    Then, you will have a javascript function reportError which simply reports an (already-discovered) error-message, within the web page. When (say) reportError("passwd","the password is required"), is called, the function will

    1. (Extra credit:) Check if a node passwd-err already exists. If not, then create one: dynamically create a p (or, div, or span) node, and insert that node into the DOM immediately next to (as a sibling of) the passwd tag. This new node should have a css class “error-msg” or so. (Remember: in HTML you use the attribute named “class”, but in javascript/DOM that's a reserved word, and you want to set the DOM attribute named “className”.)

      If you don't want to do this extra credit, then instead include p tags with names like passwd-err manually; these tags will otherwise be empty, initially.

    2. (15pts) In the passwd-err node, it will assign to the innerHTML or innerText property1. (Your function should append to any existing text, rather than just overwrite any existing innerText, so that multiple validation functions can all inform the user about any errors without overwriting each others’ messages.)
    3. From the notes, you'll want to recall the following functions in particular: getElementById, createElement, createTextNode, setAttribute, insertBefore2. For example:
      var somePara = document.getElementById("my-favorite-para"); = "blue";
      somePara.innerHTML += "<em>watch out</em> &mdash; we're at the end.";
      Show-source, to see how the following buttons are implemented.

      Be sure to use a javascript console plug-in — Chrome » View » Developer » Javascript Console » Elements; — to get feedback on undefined (misspelled) functions etc..
    4. (5pts) Finally, you will want a function which clears all the text from -err nodes; presumably this gets called when the field succesfully validates, and when you start a top-level page validation (since that's when you'd want to clear out any old errors).

  2. (40pts) For each input field, have a javascript function which validates it: (a) returns true if the field is validated, and (b) otherwise returns false and displays an error message by calling reportError above. This function should be the callback for that input's onchange event (or, onblur).

    Use the same validation criteria as we did in hw04.

    Note: Unfortunately, Javascript regexps do not yet support the unicode properties. So you can use /[A-Za-z]/ to detect letters.

    It is not strictly necessary that your javascript verify (say) that the drop-down contains one of the menu items, since your HTML input already enforces that. Likewise, it's not stritcly necessary for the validation-function to verify that the maximum-lengths are enforced, if your HTML input tags already had a maxlength attribute.

    However, I do recommend you still include these checks: If we have to repeat the validation code in two different places (in two different languages), then it's nice if those two copies of the code can be as similar as possible, more of a rote translation than requiring thought about what parts of the code can be elided from one version but are essential for the other.

    Extra credit (5pts): Unit tests are not required for your javascript functions. However, if you are interested in doing some unit test for your javascript, see

  3. (10pts) Then, have an overall function validateAll() which just calls all the others, and &&’s the results. (Be sure to validate all the fields, even if the first one fails3.)
  4. Optional/extra-credit: For text inputs, immediately upon being entered, your javascript can trim and collapse whitespace as in hw04. (And for even a bit more extra-credit, if this results in changing what the user typed, you can display a message politely informing the user that their information was changed/normalized.)
  5. (Optional — 0pts) Separate your general-purpose javascript and php functions into their own file (the functions that you would likely want to re-use in future homeworks, like the javascript function for adding error messages, and validating that a string is a numeral within a specified range).

Make your page look neat and professional!

Other requirements

These apply to all homeworks for this class:

1 Note that setting innerText sanitizes any html-characters, while setting innerHTML lets you insert actual HTML mark-up (if, say, one particular word of the message were to be <em>phasized). If the error message only incorporates user-info from what the user just provided, then perhaps sanitizing isn't critical in this case. However, when using sticky-forms, we might use data that came from a database, which could happen to have HTML-meaningful characters, and which might weasel their way into error messages. So if not otherwise needed, innerText is recommended. Of course, setting DOM attributes (esp. className, for the class attribute) for the node is how might format the overall node.      

2 There is, oddly, no standard js/DOM function “insertAfter”, just “insertBefore”. You might find this simple helper function helpful:

   /** Insert a node into the DOM after the referenceNode.
    * (Complements javascript's existing 'insertBefore'.)
    * @param (node) referenceNode -- the node after which the new node will be added.
    * @param (node) newNode -- the new DOM node to add.
    * @return void
    * @author lobo235, at
    * @version 2007.Nov.07
  function insertAfter( referenceNode, newNode ) {
    referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore( newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling );

3In this case, short-circuiting is not what we want. This stems from the fact that our validation-functions not just returning a value; they are having the side-effect of displaying the error. Many (including me) would argue it's poor practice to have a function which both returns and has a side-effect, but I'll make an exception for functions which are so intrinsically tied to I/O, the ultimate side-effect.      

4the function to show-source a file is one of the few exceptions      

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2015, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2015.Apr.02 (Thu)
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