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ITEC 325

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

lecture notes

The following schedule is tentative. “Reading” is to be completed before the start of class; any “supplement” reading won’t even be mentioned in lecture, but can be helpful for the homeworks. Chapters refer to the Ullman text unless marked “Goldberg”. Recall that the books are accessible on-line via McConnell Libray’s “Safari” catalog.

week# date reading videos lecture notes hw
1 client-and-server-1.html;
chpt.10 (functions);
skim chpt.6 (control structs)
inside http headers (19m55s) client-and-server-2.html;
php example
2 a first php program: test cases (12m31s);
stub and corner-case-tests (12m31s);
completing blend, and debugging (12m13s)
hw01: basic php and tests
book chpt.1(skim);
chpt.2 (client-server; strings)
defensive php;
type conversion in php (~15m)
Running php on rucs (but not via web)
3 php-arrays.html;
html helper functions
book chpt.3 (html input and basic form-handling);
supplementary: chpt.4 (handy numeric functions)
PHP Arrays (15m37s);
Array Example Functions (24m46s)
4 chpt. pp. 99–103 (chpt 5: handline newlines; HTML and PHP);
supplementary: the remainder of chpt. 5
(Videos will be linked from inside corresponding lecture-notes page, and will no longer be also-listed here.) running-php-via-web.html;
hw03: form handling
chpt.13 (regexps);
supplementary: research other `input` tags and their attributes;
supplementary chpt. 7 (array functions)
A Database Design (ERD) case-study: social media accounts (40m27s) git-on-rucs.html;
regexps, start
5 playing with regexps in PHP;
server-side validation code (and its structure)
hw05: server-side validation
pp. 205–221 (date&time; sticky; don’t believe everything you read) sticky.html;
date & time;
6 DOM: looking at in browser;
midterm (50min)
hw06: sticky forms
js refactoring example
7 js-dom-surgery;
hw07: client-side validation
chpt.9, cookies & sessions cookies.html
8 sessions.html hw08: sessions
9 db: review ERD; design exercise hw09: db helper functions
chpt.12 mysqli-basics.html
10 mysqli-sanitizing.html hw10: storing form info
urlencode (Ullman p.104);
Goldberg chpt.2
finish db (adding GET params);
prepared statements
11 xslt-intro/ listing, editing previous info
Goldberg chpt.3,4 finish xslt-intro;
12 xpath-functions.html xslt page
Goldberg chpt.6;
Goldberg chpt.8
DTDs: grammar: tags;
dtd example
13 DTDs: grammar: attributes;
validating DTDs
project demos ../Homeworks/project/project.html
14 project demos;

Distance lectures

Note that the distance-section lectures can diverge from the in-class lectures, based on questions people ask, etc.. These recordings are not a substitute for students in the in-class lectures. However, they're posted, because why not?

Much appreciated: If you have any improved description or info, please send it to me and I'll add it to this page. E.g.:

D2Lbreeze (snow day)

©2017, Ian Barland, Radford University
Last modified 2017.Apr.22 (Sat)
Please mail any suggestions
(incl. typos, broken links)
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