ITEC325 is an introduction to programs to generate web pages and server-side processing, focusing on PHP, forms and data validation, and XSLT. Topics include:
Office hours:
You don't need an appointment to drop by during scheduled office hours.
These hours (if printed) are subject to change;
see the class web page for the most up-to-date times.
Mo,Fr | 09:30-11:30 |
Tu,Th | 14:30-15:30 |
or email me some times that work better for you (incl. weekend breeze chat, possibly). |
You are encouraged to post (and answer) questions on the D2L discussion board, since you might get another student's ideas within a few minutes, instead of my response perhaps a day or more later. If your question requires giving away part the answer (e.g. part of your solution), feel free to email me; please include “ITEC325” in the subject, thanks.
Larry Ullman
PHP for the Web (The 4e version is acceptable as well.) ISBN 978-0-13-430186-0, |
Optional | |
Larry Ullman
PHP and MySQL (The 4e version is acceptable as well.) ISBN 978-0-13-430184-6, |
Optional. This book largely overlaps with the preceding “PHP for the Web”; I prefer that for the basics, but this has some material on security, that we'll discuss. | |
Kevin Howard Goldberg
XML ISBN 978-0-321-55967-8, |
Optional |
The above texts are available electronically from
McConnell Library,
via their Safari Electronic Books.
(They require authenticating with your RU password.
They may not always be available: only a limited number
of licenses have been purchased by the commonwealth.)
Between the library’s e-book, the posted lecture notes, and web searches
you should have all the materials you need.
However, many students (and, your prof) still find a physical copy of the book
better for both studying and referencing.
Assignments | 50% |
Project/ | 20% |
Exams (2) & Quizzes (weekly-ish) | 30% |
Clarity counts in all work for this class (including spelling, grammar, and layout). All submitted material (hardcopy or electronic) must contain both your name and the hw/quiz/exam-number near the top. Any hardcopy submitted must be stapled. If something is due both on-line and hardcopy, the hardcopy must be turned in by the start of first lecture on/after the electronic deadline.
Late Policy: No late homework is accepted, except that hardcopy ≤10min late will be assessed a 5% penalty (that is, if you enter class after homework has already been collected).
If you know in advance you won't be able to turn in homework on time (e.g. military duty, or university sports) you must get permission in advance to turn the homework in late. For significant illness, family crisis without advance notice (but with later documentation), contact the professor as soon as possible to arrange to catch up on the work. You cannot make up any missed in-class quizzes.
Programs will be graded not only for the extent to which they produce the required results, but also for good style. In particular, the code should be well designed, straightforward and use meaningful identifier names. Every function should have a purpose-statement, signature, and unit tests. A program which does not compile/run might summarily get a 0. (Beware making a last-moment change right before submitting, without verifying that it still passes all unit tests.)
A special word of caution: The assignments for this class will generally require more time than you might assume at first glance. Because error messages can be sparse or non-existent in a web programming context, significant time can be spent tracking down problems like file-permissions or files in the wrong directory (totally unrelated to the complexity of the program itself). You should begin working (at least a little) on each assignment as soon as it is distributed. Allow time for unexpected problems and difficulties such as minor computer downtime.
There will some short quizzes in class; fair game for these quizzes include definitions and examples from the assigned reading, as well as any previous homework problems. (Note: “recent” lectures includes lecture material given earlier in the same class!)
Final Exam: 2018.May.01 (Tue) 10:15, as per the final exam schedule.
Although there are no attendence points by itself, any short in-class quizzes are factored into your grade.
Honor Policy: As with all your RU classes, the university honor code governs all work done for the course. You are encouraged to discuss and interpret the homeworks and general approaches to solutions with your fellow students. However, you must be the direct, sole author of all your submitted work.
You may not:
Search the web for solutions to small coding issues (1–3 lines) which are not the gist of the assignment.
For example, if the assignment is to write a CPU simulation, and happens to involve reading/writing a preferences file, you can certainly search up a sample program which opens a file, reads or writes the word "hello file", and then closes the file (catching any exceptions).
However, if one of the assignment's three tasks is to write code which copies one file to another, you may not search up a program which does that.
Recall even if finding code snippets on the web, you must type them in yourself from memory, not copy/pasting them. (This is to help keep you from inadvertently copying so much that you'd violate the honor policy. If you think an exception is reasonable, check with the instructor (perhaps via the message-boards).)
If you aren't sure whether a certain level of help is acceptable, or feel that an exception to these rules is reasonable, stop—don't give/receive such help until you've clarified it with the instructor. (Starting assignments early enough can give you better opportunity to get help/clarification, should it be needed.)
Class Courtesy
Please refrain from texting during lecture,
and use a computer only for taking notes and looking up material related to lecture
(e.g. looking up allowable attributes for a
Other University Resources: Radford has many resources to help you in different ways, including the student counseling services (x5226), and the Learning Assistance Resource Center (“LARC”, x7704, www.radford.edu/~larc, ).
Students seeking academic accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act must register with RU's Center for Accessibility Services (CAS) in Russell Hall 301 to determine eligibility. Students qualified for academic accommodations will receive accommodation letters and should meet with each course professor during office hours, to review and discuss accommodations. For more information, call 540-831-6350.
This page licensed CC-BY 4.0 Ian Barland Page last generated 2018.Feb.13 (Tue) | Please mail any suggestions (incl. typos, broken links) to ibarlandradford.edu |