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ITEC 325

lecture notes

The following schedule is tentative. “Reading” is to be completed before the start of class; any “supplement” reading won’t even be mentioned in lecture, but can be helpful for alternate presentation of the material, and/or for the homeworks. Chapters refer to Ullman's PHP for the Web, unless indicated otherwise. Recall that the books are accessible on-line via McConnell Libray’s “Safari” catalog.

Much of the notes are discussed in the youtube playlist, but those videos are intended to be watched while also looking at the notes and the accompanying source-code. I recommend working along with the videos, pausing as you do so. If you prefer only reading the notes, that also should suffice for the pre-quizzes.

date lecture notes supplementary reading (optional) hw
Jan.16 client-and-server-1.html;
syllabus and Project/
Jan.18 client-and-server-2.html; start php-intro.html (1st video)
Jan.23 finish php-intro.html; running php on rucs; php in multiple files.
In class: Project; when to use {require,include}{,_once}; hw01 q's and let work.
§10 Creating Functions; skim §6 Control Structures
Jan.25 A bit of well formed xhtml, and then: php’s slippery types. §2.3 types of variables due: hw01/;
Fri: proj teams
Jan.30 processing arrays
During lecture: array practice
§7 Using Arrays
Feb.01 php strings; running php on §2.5 quotation marks due: hw02/
Feb.06 html input forms, and php
Feb.08 testing forms; sanitizing form input
Feb.13 video: ERD review (40m27s) (same material as today's lecture) due: hw03/
Feb.15 grouping web-inputs into arrays; GET v. POST proj proposal
Feb.20 git
Feb.22 group: set up git repo, and clone into rucs:~projN
Feb.27 regular expressions due: hw04/; proj: git
Mar.01 regexp practice
spring br
Mar.13 server-side-validation/ pp.129–130 with skepticism
Mar.15 regexp representations (first video/section), and calling regexp-match in php. due: hw05a
Mar.20 js refactoring example due: hw05/
Mar.22 finish js refactoring example
Mar.27 validating via javascript, and via html-attributes; cookies; Chpt.09 pp. 242–260 (Cookies); pp.400–405 (case study) due: hw-ec
Mar.29 sessions (including security aspects)
Interacting with a Database
Chpt.09 pp. 260–268 (Sessions); Chpt.12 due: proj: prototype
Apr.03 Review looping over tables (SELECT results);
start sanitizing DB queries
Chpts.12, 13 with skepticism
Apr.05 finish sanitizing DB queries; securing passwords due: hw06/
Apr.10 XML
Apr.12 XSLT due: hw07/
Apr.17 finish xsl:choose, xsl:sort; XPATH; start XPath functions due: hw07/
Apr.19 finish XPath functions; review (critique) the code used in computing years standing and learn to read some greek. proj: progress report
Apr.24 DTDs
Apr.26 DTD design thoughts; Review / Wrap-up §§0–∞ :-) due: hw08/
finals week proj: presentations Project/

Old (lower-quality) lectures

This class has been previously offered on-line (though it is not again slated for that). There are some screencasts from those lectures, which still cover much of the same material. However, they are a bit unwieldy: just long 45min+ screencasts that are hard to fast-foward/navigate (and sometimes don't capture the entire screen!). You are free to peruse them at your own discrection (because: they're on-line, so why not?).

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Page last generated 2018.Apr.12 (Thu)
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