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and xpath functions

Originally based on XML Visual Quickstart Guide by Kevin Howard Goldberg, and notes therefrom by Jack Davis (


XPath Functions

XSL's xsl:value-of returns the string value of the first node in a node set. With XPath functions, you can perform further operations on that string/data.

video (26m14s)

Note that xsl:value-of's attribute “select” can be any expression, not just a single node (variable): e.g. The monument is <xsl:value-of select="round(height div 3.28)" /> meters tall.
This is the same as Java expressions, which can of course be more than a single variable; they include constants and function-calls as well1 (e.g. wage*Math.round(40*weeksWorked)/52); and SQL SELECT statement which can select entire expressions instead of merely columns (SELECT wage*round(40*weeksWorked)/52 FROM )

1 Expressions in Java don't end in semicolons. It's statements that need to end in a semicolon; statements are themselves built out of keywords, punctuation, and expressions (“assignment statements”, “if-else statements”, “block statements”, etc.).      
2 This difference between source-file and internalized-representation is reminiscent of how, in Java, "ab\ncd" looks like it has 6 characters in the source-code, but really once the compiler reads the file it's actually a string with just 5 characters.      
3 This explanation is a bit backwards from history (originally a number was like an array-lookup, which they then generalized to boolean filters), however the more useful principle to remember is filter, not array-lookup; just be aware of what the shorthand means.      

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