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ITEC 325


The following schedule is tentative. “Reading” is to be completed before the start of class; any “supplement” reading won’t even be mentioned in lecture, but can be helpful for alternate presentation of the material, and/or for the homeworks. Chapters refer to Ullman’s PHP for the Web, unless indicated otherwise. Recall that the books are accessible on-line via McConnell Libray’s “Safari” catalog.

Fwiw, here is the scratch-file I sometimes write to, in our zoom-lectures.

Much of the notes are discussed in the youtube playlist, but those videos are intended to be watched while also looking at the notes and the accompanying source-code. I recommend working along with the videos, pausing as you do so. If you prefer only reading the notes, that also should suffice for the pre-quizzes.

supplementary reading (optional)
Jan.18 MLK day
week 1
Jan.20 intro: web requests and responses recording
Jan.22 intro http headers (request and response) recording
week 2
Jan.25 discuss syllabus and Project/; start unit tests recording
Jan.27 unit tests ; running php on rucs; php in multiple files recording §10 Creating Functions skim §6 Control Structures
Jan.29 A bit of well formed xhtml recording §2.3 types of variables; §2.5 quotation marks
week 3
Feb.01 php strings; php’s slippery types recording
Feb.03 Review hw01-soln; processing arrays recording §7 Using Arrays
Feb.05 recording
week 4
Feb.08 running php via the web; html input forms, and php recording video (23m16s)(from html input forms, and php)
Feb.10 Finish html input forms, and php; testing forms (and briefly: GET v. POST) recording
Feb.12 recording
week 5
Feb.15 sanitizing form input; grouping web-inputs into arrays recording
Feb.17 design considerations w/ soln, and our exact file from class recording
Feb.19 regular expressions recording
week 6
Feb.22 regexp intro; examples/practice recording
Feb.24 git-on-rucs.html recording Two videos on notes page (12m30, 16m50)
Feb.26 regexp representations (first video/section), and calling regexp-match in php. recording pp.129–130 with skepticism
week 7
Mar.01 start server-side-validation/ recording
Mar.03 finish structure of server-side validation code recording
Mar.05 ERD practice: a case study video (40m27s)
week 8
Mar.08 The DOM & js recording
Mar.10 js refactoring example recording
Mar.12 finish js refactoring example recording
week 9
Mar.15 validating client-side (first video) recording
Mar. validating client-side via html-attributes (2nd video) recording Chpt.09 pp. 242–260 (Cookies); pp.400–405 (case study)
Mar.19 (no class -- work on project, and questions)
Mar.22 cookies.html recording
Mar.24 sessions (including security aspects) recording Chpt.09 pp. 260–268 (Sessions); Chpt.12
Mar.26 Creating a mysql db on recording
Mar.29 looping over tables (SELECT results) recording
Mar.31 start sanitizing DB queries recording Chpts.12, 13 with skepticism
Apr.02 start sanitizing DB queries recording
Apr.05 proj: prototype demo
Apr.07 securing-passwords.html recording
Apr.09 what-is-xml.html recording
Apr.12 xslt-intro.html; xpath-intro.html; start xpath-functions.html recording
Apr.14 finish (xsl:choose, xsl:sort); no zoom recording; xslt-intro.htmlcontains some embedded videos
Apr.16 xpath-functions.html recording
Apr.19 DTDs recording
Apr.21 DTD design thoughts recording
Apr.23 review (critique) the code used in computing years standingand, learn to read some greek; Review / Wrap-up: recording §§0–∞ :-)
finals week
Apr.28 (Wed) 14:45proj: presentationsProject/

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