Geoliteracy Workshop

Geoliteracy Workshop: No Borrowed Glory and Smithfield Virginia in the Revolution

This March 22–23, 2013, institute modeled ways in which teachers in grades 4-8 may develop creative ways to engage students in cross-curricular lessons emphasizing the historic and cultural landscape of their hometowns. Lesson strategies and teaching materials were provided, including an introduction to Google Lit Trips/Google Earth. It was led by VGA members Annie Evans and Donna Fontaine. Judy Bander, author of No Borrowed Glory, joined in discussions and field trips.

 Historic St. Luke’s Church in Smithfield, VA, played a pivot role in the novel, No Borrowed Glory,
our GeoLit novel study.

VGA teachers reenact a colonial trial at the Old Courthouse in Smithfield VA.

The Old Colonial road, first major trade and migration route connecting Smithfield to outside world in colonial era.


Dee Dee Darden, proprieter of Darden's Country Store and smokehouse, gives us a tour of the smokehouse and discusses the ham business in Smithfield over the decades


Hams curing in the smokehouse still cured the old fashioned way as her family tradition for 3 generations

All photos courtesy of Annie Evans.










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