T3G Third Thursday webinar for October: Thu 10/20, 5-6 pm PT

Esri’s T3G Third Thursday webinar for October, Thu 10/20, 5-6pmPT, may be of interest for some of you. It features Jim Herries, a product engineer and cartography lead for Esri. Our focus is on how educators can use ArcGIS Online to explore and understand demographic data including voting data before and after elections. This hits questions of scale, quantities, communication, representation, gerrymandering, and how educators can help people be intelligent consumers of data. The webinar is open to the public, and will be recorded, but all must be registered for the fall 2022 T3G Webinar series to access.

Go to https://t3ghub-esrit3g.hub.arcgis.com/pages/webinars to register.

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